The Pressure Cooker Gourmet


Автор: Victoria Wise

Год: 2012

Дополнительные характеристики

568 стр.



What cook isn't looking for recipes that are fast, delicious, and nutritious? The Pressure Cooker Gourmet provides just that, with 225 dishes that are simple to prepare, cook in as little as 15 minutes, and retain all the natural nutrients that can be lost with other cooking methods. The beauty of pressure cooking is that it allows the home cook to make traditionally labor-intensive dishes like stews, braises, briskets, and pot roasts literally in a matter of minutes, opening up vast new possibilities for weekday cooking. In a thorough introduction, Victoria Wise explains how to use the modern pressure cooker (which has been completely reengineered for safety and ease of use) and outlines what it particularly excels at, from basic beans and grains to hearty one-pot entrees.


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