The Pillar of Destruction: (The Legend of Ponnivala [Series 1, Book 10]) (Volume 10)


Автор: Brenda E.F. Beck

Язык: Английский

Год: 2012

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36 стр.
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The Legend of Ponnivala is a vast, ancient epic from the Kongu region of South India, where it is known as the Annanmar Kathai or Elder Brothers' Story. It is the story of three generations of a farming family who through their exploits and the intercession of the Hindu gods rise to become kings of their region. Previously only told orally by bards in the local area, it is surprisingly accurate in its accounts of historical events, and has close ties to the Mahabharata. In Episode 10: The Queen visits the Goddess Kali where her brothers beg forgiveness. She removes the curse. Tamarai is still greatly troubled. Lord Vishnu offers help.


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