The Husbands I Thought I Found


Автор: Carla G Morrison

Год: 2012

Дополнительные характеристики

56 стр.



The book that I have written, entitled The Husbands I Thought I Found, is an autobiography. It is about my relationship with my dad, which is the reason I pick all the wrong men to have a future with. How I longed for my dad to be in my life constantly. This book is also about my life being a young woman living under my mother's roof. I couldn't wait to get out into the world. I finally had an opportunity to leave her house. I had never been with anyone before, and I lacked the experiences and knowledge to make some of the decisions I made, which led me into situations of physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. My life had become a hellish nightmare and was full of heartbreak. Would I ever find the right man? Or would I stay in this deadly relationship?


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