The Good Tucker Cookbook for Blokes


Автор: Dargo' James

Год: 2012

Дополнительные характеристики

96 стр.



You could be forgiven for thinking that this cookbook has been compiled by Dargo James just for ‘Sexist’ reasons, but if you do, you’d best think again, as that’s the very last thing it is intended to be. In fact it was created because Dargo can easily recall not knowing how to even boil an egg when he first left home to live and work out in the Australian outback at aged fifteen. Since that time Dargo has made quite a name for himself concerning his present day culinary skills in the area where he lives in Western Australia, and this cookbook is the second one of his plain and simple recipe books. It was intended to be a guide for people of all ages who are either of low skill level, are totally without a clue of how to go about creating a decent home cooked meal for themselves, or in other words, and putting it politely, ‘Culinary challenged’. All the recipes within this cookbook are ones Dargo has collected together after testing the making of the dishes on several people, males in particular, who just, hadn’t got a clue of how to go about beginning to cook, but even though those human guinea pigs didn’t end up turning out a dish that most people would be proud to present to their friends, they did still end up producing a perfectly edible meal. The recipes compiled within this cookbook’s ‘No thrills’ pages range between very basic, and fairly well up market, while still remaining within the lower skilled level of cooks of both sexes.


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