Pants Off Salmon: Tasty and Easy Recipes for Impressing the Pants Off the Opposite Sex!


Автор: Alec Bragg

Год: 2012

Дополнительные характеристики

176 стр.



Pants Off Salmon -- recipes to impress is filled with delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes sure to impress the opposite sex. Sick of reading complicated recipes, Alec has developed a cookbook with easy yet impressive recipes that are designed to knock the socks off a special dinner guest. This beautifully presented cookbook contains not only recipes, but also helpful hints, etiquette tips and wine suggestions. All the recipes have been idiot-proofed by a core group of bachelors and bachelorettes who profess to being average in the kitchen and each recipe comes with a photo so you can gauge your effort. Alec says the last thing he wants to do is make cooking good meals difficult, and thus reduce you to tears. That's for TV cooking shows, not this book! After all, if I can pull these off without a hitch, not to mention formal cooking training, then anyone can.


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