Maybe We Can't Be Trusted - 365 Poems in 365 Days


Автор: Greg Overzat

Год: 2011

Дополнительные характеристики

174 стр.



When I turned 24 I made a promise to myself. I vowed that by the time I turned 25 I would be a different person. So I challenged myself to write 365 poems in 365 days. One per day. The rules were simple: just write. And to make sure it was done before midnight. The eve of my 25th birthday would be the culmination of a year's work. This book is a testament to a year in my life. Unedited, raw, real. Not every work is a masterpiece and that's exactly what I want to convey: the honesty behind the words will translate and if one person understand or relates or believes, my journey was not in vain. This is a life in 365 poetic notes.


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