Essential Grammar in Use


Автор: Raymond Murphy

Язык: Английский

Издательство: Cambridge University Press

Год: 2013

Дополнительные характеристики

320 стр.



Еssential Grammar in Use.
With answers and grammar reference pocket guide o Third Edition.
A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students.
Using clear examples and easy-to-follow exercises, Essential Grammar in Use makes learning easy, covering all the areas of grammar that an elementary-level student needs.
- Two-page units with clear explanations on the left page and practice exercises on the right.
- Useful grammar reference pocket guide allows you to check your grammar quickly and easily.
- The Study Guide helps you find the most useful language points for you, making this book ideal for self-study.
- Additional Exercises give you extra practice of difficult areas.
Essential Grammar in Use is also available with a CD-ROM containing hundreds.


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