Collecting Rocks, Gems and Minerals: Identification, Values and Lapidary Uses (Collecting Rocks, Gems & Minerals: Identification, Values, Lapidar y Uses)


Автор: Patti Polk

Год: 2012

Дополнительные характеристики

304 стр.
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка



Unlike the dense and highly technical academic tomes that are text-heavy, poorly organized and intimidating, this colorful and easy-to-use reference guide dedicated to collecting rocks, gems and minerals is ideal for readers who want to expand their understanding without getting lost in a labyrinth of science. Features: 700 beautiful color pictures, the book’s easy-to-use, quick reference format is arranged by category and color of stone for simple identification of all your finds Include values, making it perfect for those who wish to simply build their collections with purchases rather than in the field Covers both lapidary and mineral display materials, is recognized as one of the leading agate collectors in the world


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